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Showing posts for category: Museums

Small Museums in London That Will Charm and Delight

It’s no secret that London is home to some of the best museums in the world. We’ve all heard of the likes of The National History Museum, or the British Museum, but with these big names dominating the itineraries of tourists it can be easy to overlook all that the […]

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Unique & Amazing Historical Places in London You Should Visit

As one of the UK’s oldest and most populous cities, London offers a vibrant history that is easily found and celebrated through local architecture, cuisine, entertainment, and attractions. The bustling city offers a wide variety of historic landmarks and attractions for history buffs and neophytes alike, with plenty to entertain […]

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Not So Grownup: Family Fun in London

It may be one of the busiest cities in the world, but London has an incredibly child-friendly side that makes it an ideal destination for a family break. As well as special events happening all year round in many different venues, there are countless museums, shows and galleries that offer […]

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Hollywood’s Best Dressed Come to Town

London’s Victoria and Albert Museum is renowned world over for its stunning exhibitions of art and design, the latest one being no exception. Spanning a total of three galleries, Hollywood Costume pays tribute to a profession that has silently styled some of the most iconic characters in the history of […]

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